.: Click here to see the older history :.

22nd February, 2025

New game mode: Hardcore Ironman!

I forgot to disable the selection, so just going to release the mode in BETA. This means the mode itself is fully playable, but additional features I had in store before I released it aren't finished, such as an eternal leaderboard system among other things. Details are found on the games mode page on character selection, the the jist is here:

* 1 life only

All BT 50% reduced with nothing increasing it at all.

Same restrictions as a regular ironman

Full list found here

21st February, 2025

Round Reset!

Don't have any changes for this round, as I haven't made the time to work on shimlar since the holidays. I am working a hardcore ironman mode though with some nice leaderboard changes too (subject to change).

23rd August, 2024

Round Reset!

Changelog: here

Other Changes is that scythe uses death spells for armor not arcane now and DT8 (top of /myth) no longer has a random spell/weapon drop.

22nd November, 2024

Round Reset!

Changelog: here

23rd August, 2024

Round Reset!

Changelog: here

Other Changes is that scythe uses death spells for armor not arcane now and DT8 (top of /myth) no longer has a random spell/weapon drop.

31st May, 2024

Round Reset!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the test round. A lot of issues were fixed and while there are some bugs still, nothing too major for the round.

Changelog for now (open it in a new tab else doesn't work) : here

24th May, 2024

I'll be resetting the game Sunday May 26th at 3pm EST. (BETA ROUND)

I'll be resetting the game AGAIN Friday May 31st at 12pm EST. (REAL ROUND)

Why? Well, I have a massive amount of changes for next round, most of them under the hood. I rewrote how the game interprets code, to open up the possibilities of what I can do. Full details are in the mega-long post here (CTRL click, else doesn't work)

8th March, 2024

Round Reset! Last one lasted for a little over 3 months. (Dec 2nd to March 8th)

Working on a game rewrite that'll go live next round (probably do a test reset for a week to iron out any issues then reset for real).

The game rewrite will basically allow raises the code limitations - item caps raised from 99 to 999 (allowing space for new classes / armor pieces / accessories), allows grade10-99 gems, etc.

At launch of the rewrite next round, nothing will change for players! Except bugs from things I missed updating :P and pk files will be fully updated finally although not sure how much that'd "fix" pvp.

Changelog for now (open it in a new tab else doesn't work) : here