Shimlar Monster Finder

Monsters that are about as tough as the monsters in Ankhgora:

Monster Zone (lvl) AC
Gem Rate Shadow Rate Purse Rate Resource Rate Toughness Exp Gold Resistance
"Kobold" > Ankhgora (1)051000100010001502.32102
"Skeleton" > Ankhgora (1)181000100010001503.17153
"Giant Rat" > Ankhgora (1)2111000100010001504234
"Canal Rat" > The Sewers (5)120605505501504.58305
"Wild Dog" > Ankhgora (1)3171000100010001504.86345
"Ugly Spider" > The Sewers (5)230605505501505.434510
"Giant Scorpion" > Ankhgora (1)4251000100010001505.7516
"Green Slime" > The Sewers (5)345605505501506.296815
"Zombie" > Ankhgora (1)5381000100010001506.55767
"Eel" > The Sewers (5)468605505501507.1310120
"Adept Sorcerer" > Shimwood Forest (10)2100505005001507.1720015
"Huge Owl" > Ankhgora (1)6571000100010001507.411148
"Giant Squid" > The Sewers (5)5101605505501507.9815225
"Adept Sorcerer" > The Wilderness (15)2175606009001507.9825020
"Goblin Berserker" > Shimwood Forest (10)3150505005001508.0230030
"Drunk Beggar" > Ankhgora (1)7851000100010001508.261719
"Adept Sorcerer" > Royal University (14)32002502505001508.435000
"Goblin Berserker" > The Wilderness (15)3223606009001508.5937555
"Pirate Captain" > Perpetrators Bay (16)13501005005001508.712510
"Kobold Guard" > The Sewers (5)6152605505501508.8222830
"Harrowing Wraith" > Shimwood Forest (10)4225505005001508.8745045
"Scavenger" > Ankhgora (1)81281000100010001509.1125610
"Little Old Man" > Perpetrators Bay (16)23851005005001509.113820
"Harrowing Wraith" > The Wilderness (15)4284606009001509.256390
"Ghost of a seaman" > Perpetrators Bay (16)34241005005001509.525630
"Grey Dwarf" > The Sewers (5)7228605505501509.6734235
"Goblin Warlord" > Shimwood Forest (10)5338505005001509.7167560
"Goblin Warlord" > The Wilderness (15)5363606009001509.82844125
"Mr Nilsson" > Perpetrators Bay (16)44661005005001509.928440
"Camouflaged Rogue" > Enchanted Forest (30)640010044572515010.221,00080
"Drunkard" > Perpetrators Bay (16)551210050050015010.3212750
"Orcish Spirit Caller" > The Wilderness (15)64626060090015010.431,266160
"Killer Rat" > The Sewers (5)83426055055015010.5251340
"Orcish Spirit Caller" > Shimwood Forest (10)65065050050015010.561,01375
"Pippi Longstocking" > Perpetrators Bay (16)656410050050015010.7219060
"Earth Elemental" > Enchanted Forest (30)751010044572515010.841,500140