Hardcore Ironman:
- BETA MODE - mode itself is 'complete' but additional stuff I wanted to add isn't in yet and will be at a later time
- Self Sufficient Play.
- 1 Life only - You die, that's it!
- All rates are reduced by 50% (Bonus Time) and cannot be changed or altered in any way.
- Hardcore Ironman title
- Tops list for HC only
- Displays top scores that doesn't reset to immortalize your character. [NOT IMPLEMENTED]
- Players stay on the tops list for the round, but the deceased will be red colored and display what they died to. [NOT IMPLEMENTED]
- Hardcore Ironman can make a clan but everything is solo (Clan Power is 5x)
- Personal Bonus Time disabled
- Jackpot disabled
- Cannot Send or Receive Items
- Cannot use Market
- Cannot use Resource Market
- Cannot share Estate
- Cannot PK
- Players over Lv300 that die will have display a death message displayed in the chat for all to mock!
- Ironman-exclusive chat (Race/Clan Chat tab): /im [text] to chat, /noim to disable, /imchat to re-enable
- The reaper will not bother you, as he knows it is only a matter of time before he claims your soul.